onsdag den 22. januar 2014

World Creation and story W. Steve Seagle and Teddy Kristiansen

Steve Seagle
The first assignment in Steve's workshop was to autobio in 6 min and then we switched stories and got 1h 30min to tell the story in 3 panels. 

9 panel story based on the world "Woodstick" we created during the week.
We also had to re-write another's 12 page autobiographical comic from last semester. The assignment was inspired by the comic Steve and Teddy made called The red diary/The re(a)d diary. I got Cathrin's http://cathrinpeterslund.blogspot.dk/ story

Teddy Kristiansen

The first assignment was to improve the first comic from the week before

Then we had to choose a character or slice from Steve and Teddy'  comic house of secrets. We then had to make a story where we used the style to amplify the situation and feeling in the scene. 

We had to tell a story about a person in love without mentioning Love, or the lover and a mother who had lost her son in a war with mentioning war, the son, death. There had to be the same building and weather in the stories.  

The final page assignment was to make a comic from an anecdote from a historical figure. I chose Freud.

Most of the stuff only had to be turned in as sketches since we didn't have that much time for each assignment.

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